Develop the Yonge-Dundas Square Presenting and Program Sponsorships, incorporating new digital and physical assets on the square, to secure a presenting sponsor. Additionally, maximize the potential sponsorship opportunities within parameters set by the City of Toronto and YDS.
Yonge-Dundas Square
Maximizing the potential of Yonge-Dundas Square.

We worked with YDS to develop a new vision for sponsorship, including a model for the use of yet-to-be-built digital assets and newly recovered physical space to create the most value for both YDS and sponsors. We conducted a valuation of all existing and future assets to accurately price the sponsorships, designed a compelling and comprehensive package of the most highly valued benefits, and targeted brands with mass appeal and an interest in building community at the centre of the City’s downtown with customized proposals and activation concepts.

Over a 10-year period, A&C successfully sold the presenting sponsorship with an innovative, multi-year agreement to Virgin Mobile for a 6yr term, then considering new digital assets and enhancements, resold the sponsorship to Chevrolet, doubling previous annual sponsorship revenues.

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